Busty.pl has updated with 2 more new Ewa Sonnet clips in the last couple of days - the continuation of the Spying episode. The first clip still remains in the *secret spy* perspective - the camera shoots through the Open Door (that's the title of the clip) - but Ewa has noticed that somebody is watching. So she gives her secret fan a real show, with an extended teasing, till she fully undresses…
Avanti is the title of the second new clip. Now she allows *the spy*/the camera to come inside her room, and to watch her within a distance where he could touch her - as she touches and caresses her boobs and her stellar body. Ewa Sonnet looks wonderful. And it's simply amazing how naturally straight and charming she delivers this little show. If you haven't read my previous entry: No artificial lighting has been set up for this video - a real spy wouldn't have that either - thus these clips look darker than usual. In my view this adds to the spell. You find the downloadable True HD clips plus tons of more exclusive content at Busty.pl. My screen shots:
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